Training Strategies
SCERTS Model Implementation Guide

Heep Hong Society introduced the SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, Transactional Support) Model for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) from the US to Hong Kong in 2011 and has since then developed adjustments to maximise its benefits for local children. The model has three major features: (1) it helps children with ASD to improve their motivation for communication and socialising; (2) enhances their problem-solving and emotional regulation competences; and (3) emphasises the importance of transactional support provided by the multi-disciplinary team and parents.
The SCERTS Team of the Society published the SCERTS Model Implementation Guide to facilitate professionals and parents in grasping the specific strategies to help children with ASD. Chapter 1 explains the principles and theory of the SCERTS Model; Chapter 2 provides step-by-step guidelines in applying the SCERTS Model in local settings through three case studies. A complimentary DVD of practical training materials (e.g. emotion cue cards, animation, waiting spinner, timetable and general regulation tips) is included.
For better training, trainers can use the Guide with the free ‘Social Emotion’ iPad and Android app.
This book was sponsored by the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged.
Membership Rate: HK$130 (applicable to parents of children at Heep Hong centres, members of Heep Hong Parents' Association and members of the Junior Gateway Club)
*For the Simplified Chinese Edition, please click here.