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APED Fifth Cohort Courses Open for Enrolment


Heep Hong Society’s Academy for Professional Education and Development (APED) has launched the 5th cohort of programmes, which run between October 2016 and March 2017. This cohort presents over 40 certification courses, workshops and talks, which include the following expert seminar and workshop:

Dr. Catherine Aldred, Consultant Speech and Language Therapist, and Honorary Lecturer, University of Manchester, will present on Preschool Autism Communication Trial and Therapy (PACT) and the research findings. Paediatricians, psychologists, speech therapists, paramedicals, social workers, teachers and parents are welcome to attend.

World renowned occupational therapist Ms. Kimberly Ann Barthel will conduct a two-day workshop to provide an understanding of the integrated neurobiology of sensory processing and emotional/behavioral problems resulting in ‘challenging behaviors’ and the relevant treatment strategies. Occupational therapists, social workers, psychologists and related professionals are welcome to attend.

For details and enrolment, please visit the APED website. For enquiries, please contact APED at 2784 7700 or aped@heephong.org.

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